Medical credit card debt has been around basically since the inception of credit cards, but as time goes on things are getting worse, not better. As more companies enter the medical credit card market, the need for laws and regulation increase. In a recent inquiry by the New York State Attorney General's office, a settlement was reached requiring the medical credit card provider to modify its practices by limiting charges, requiring clearer disclosures of higher interest rates and not giving kickbacks, rebates, compensation, or in-kind services to any health care provider in exchange for its success in generating card business. According to the settlement agreement, this numbers are staggering for just this one medical credit card provider: issued its credit cards to more than 535,000 people through 7,800 medical providers just in New York state. an average of 68 credit card holders per medical practice has approximately 160,000 health care providers under contract Using the state of New York as a baseline, that works out to almost 11 MILLION PEOPLE charging their medical procedures and care to high interest credit cards provided by this company.
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