
The Most Expensive Medical Procedures, Part 2

High costs have become emblematic of the American healthcare system. From compensating surgeons for long, complex procedures to fees for tests and administrative processes to the cost of simply staying overnight in a hospital, it’s not hard to rack up a heart-stopping bill, especially if a patient requires intensive medical care. As a healthcare provider, you may have seen for yourself how many people will delay or refuse care because of the expense. A fair, reliable health credit service like the Epic River Patient Lending program can give you the opportunity to help your patients stay healthy, both physically and financially.
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The Most Expensive Medical Procedures, Part 1

Healthcare in the U.S. is expensive — we all know that. We put a high premium on the time, effort, and skill of doctors, nurses, and administrators, and time spent in the hospital can quickly lead to a big bill. As a healthcare provider, you have dedicated your career to helping your patients, and with the right programs and partnerships, you can now extend the “do no harm” principle to your patients’ finances as well as their physical health. The Epic River Patient Lending program is made to benefit providers and patients alike with easy, low-interest loans and user-friendly software.
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Improve Your Bank’s CRA Ratings

Incentives to Improve CRA Ratings The importance of improving your financial institution’s CRA rating has perhaps never been more keenly felt. Between the rumblings about updating the Community Reinvestment Act from Comptroller Joseph Otting and the U.S. Department of Treasury to the growing advocacy within American communities for more banking solutions, investing in and bettering CRA ratings has risen to the top of every local banker’s to-do list.
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Maximizing Deposit Opportunities

Work With Healthcare Providers and Their Patients Deposit growth is critical for the success of any financial institution. Without it, banks can’t fund the loans that consumers want and need. However, attracting new deposit opportunities isn’t quite as simple as it used to be. Let’s just say that a free toaster doesn’t go as far as it once did. Instead, savvy banks have been scanning the landscape for unexpected deposit sources, and then marketing themselves as the bank of choice via a robust combination of products and services.
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Why Patients Choose Medical Loans

Whether patients have health insurance or not, medical care can be expensive. From daunting upfront costs to high deductibles and copayments, many Americans simply don’t have what they need on hand to cover healthcare costs. Medical loans can close the gap, which is why helping patients connect with a fair and competitive lending program has become important to providers who want to make sure the people they care for stay healthy, both physically and financially.
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Three Reasons Patients Love Our Patient Billing Solutions

It’s no secret: Americans are drowning under heaps of medical debt. In fact, a recent study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than 25% of patients struggle to pay for the medical treatment they have received, and that medical debt is the number one cause of personal bankruptcy filings in America. These figures are staggering, and as a health care provider, you probably wish there was something you could do to lessen the financial struggle for your patients. Thankfully, there is! At Epic River, we can provide you with patient billing solutions that not only benefit your practice, but also your patients.
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