
Credit Union Times article featuring Epic River

on May 21, 2024 2:04:35 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | hospital financing Patient Financing healthcare finance Credit Unions
An article in the most recent edition of ALM's Credit Union Times highlights Epic River growing presence in credit unions and the impact these credit unions can provide a "surprisingly simple solution to disrupt the cycle of inescapable debt."
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The Hidden Flaw in No-Interest Patient Payment Plans

No-interest patient payment plans have long been thought of as great solutions for patients who can’t afford immediate payment. On paper at least, these types of plans seem legitimately beneficial, and healthcare providers and medical billing staff across the country truly believe that these plans are helping patients absorb the potentially disastrous financial impact of high-cost treatments. They believe it, or else they wouldn’t be offering them.
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Is Administrative Spending Leaving You in the Red?

It’s no secret that U.S. healthcare is tremendously expensive from every angle — and for every participant. But the reasons behind these expense may be more complex than initially thought.
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Healthcare Price Transparency and its Effects on Your Business

Healthcare price transparency laws have become increasingly popular in the U.S. Indeed, 29 states currently have at least one law on the books related to healthcare providers detailing costs. There is also a growing surge of bipartisan support for more, and better, details to help patients determine value, not to mention the fact that CMS requirement for hospitals to publish a list of charges online will go live on January 1.
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Banking Industry Trends 2019

Growth and Profit at Community Banks and Credit Unions At the end of every year, pundits like to publish think pieces on banking industry trends. 2019 is no different, so we thought we’d add our hat to the ring with our predictions for what will most impact growth and profit at community banks. Please read on for our five top picks for banking industry trends!
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Why Patients Choose Medical Loans

Whether patients have health insurance or not, medical care can be expensive. From daunting upfront costs to high deductibles and copayments, many Americans simply don’t have what they need on hand to cover healthcare costs. Medical loans can close the gap, which is why helping patients connect with a fair and competitive lending program has become important to providers who want to make sure the people they care for stay healthy, both physically and financially.
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