
Did You Know Healthcare Loans Are Shown to Reduce Medical Workforce Shortages?

on Aug 27, 2019 10:49:15 AM By | Jessica Toney | 0 Comments | healthcare loans
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How to Reduce Bad Debt: Helping Retirees and Women Pay for Care with Health Care Loans

on Jun 27, 2019 1:41:47 PM By | Jessica Toney | 0 Comments | Health Care Loans healthcare loans
Experts suggest screening patients for propensity to pay can help providers reduce the burden of bad debt. That’s because when you screen a patient’s medical payment history, you can identify risks and collect the bill while the patient is still in-house.
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Who Benefits from Medical Billing Solutions Like Patient Lending?

Does your physician’s office struggle to maintain low days in accounts receivable (DAR)? If so, then you have probably made a variety of administrative and procedural changes with the hope of recovering outstanding patient responsibility more efficiently. Some of these changes may have proven more effective than others, but if they are not sustainable, then you’ll likely find yourself back at square one. At Epic River, we understand that profitability is important to your practice, and we are here to help by providing medical billing solutions that work.
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How Can Patient Lending Help Your Practice?

As a medical provider, your number one concern is always that of patient health and safety. So what happens when outdated billing practices make it challenging for a patient to pay off their medical debt or worse, inadvertently prevents them from seeking the care that they need? In June 2017, the CDC reported that nearly 40 percent of Americans between 18 and 64 years old have a high-deductible health insurance plan, and that 15.5 percent of them reported difficulty paying their medical bills. It is an unfortunate fact that many individuals who seek care often can’t afford their out-of-pocket portion of the resulting bills because of these high deductibles.
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