
Webinar Recording: Healthcare - Fast Track Your Time to Cash

on Sep 24, 2020 6:13:30 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | healthcare billing solutions
Over the past several months, your team may have been thrown into unchartered territory, rapidly learning to navigate telehealth, payment delays, and coronavirus claims as well as payor changes and inconsistencies.
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Outsourcing Patient Payment Plans is Good for Patients, Practices, and the Medical Field

on Mar 5, 2020 8:51:53 AM By | Norman Woolworth | 0 Comments | healthcare billing solutions
Many medical providers have made the shift to outsourcing their patient payment plans. The reason? In-house management can be exorbitantly expensive, inefficient and ultimately a losing proposition for providers.
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Healthcare Billing Solutions to Help Patients

Have you ever put off getting medical care that you knew you needed? Even those who work in the healthcare industry avoid getting the treatment they need for one reason or another, whether it's due to financial concerns, a busy schedule, or simply a fear of treatment. At Epic River, we believe that finances should never be a hindrance to obtaining necessary medical care, so we set out to break down the financial barriers that patients often face. Our healthcare billing solutions benefit patients and physicians alike, making it easier for individuals to get the care they need to enjoy optimal health.
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