
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Ditch Your Internal Payment Plan for a Better Option

on Jul 31, 2023 10:56:09 AM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | Medical Lending Health Care Loans patient lending Lending as a Service
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Unraveling the Patient Pay Dilemma

In the ever-changing landscape of healthcare economics, there has been a disproportionate increase in hospitals' bad debt. Over the past three years, hospitals are grappling with over 45% surge1 in bad debt stemming from self-pay patients post adjudication (11% in 2018 to over 57% in 2021).
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New Lending Opportunities in a Post-COVID World

on Jun 11, 2021 9:11:26 AM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | patient lending
As the words “return to normal” and “post-COVID” enter our vocabulary, they reveal the real-world after-effects of the pandemic. Experts expect the ensuing impact of the coronavirus to affect everything from major industries to transportation, to society’s approach to work and education.
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Epic River Patient Lending Program Now Available to Patients and Providers via the Epic App Orchard

on Apr 21, 2020 11:42:12 AM By | Jessica Toney | 0 Comments | patient lending
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Despite Peak Political Noise… Some of Healthcare’s Biggest Problems Can be Solved Right Now

on Jan 12, 2020 10:03:56 AM By | Norman Woolworth | 0 Comments | medical loans patient lending patient loans
The healthcare debate rolls on with hot rhetoric off the charts this political season. Despite calls for repealing the ACA or expanding Medicare for all, the already-broken system is not likely to be torn asunder anytime soon. Though frustration remains high, some of healthcare’s most pressing financial problems can be solved right now, within our communities and without government intervention.
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Providing a New Patient Experience: Financial Care

on Jan 12, 2020 8:44:34 AM By | Norman Woolworth | 0 Comments | medical finance medical loans patient lending
From the emergency room to the accounting department, healthcare professionals want to support their organizations’ mission to deliver care, to do no harm, and to be part of a team that builds goodwill in their communities. But with today’s high-deductible insurance plans, patients pay more out of their own pockets, healthcare providers deplete more resources on collections, and billing managers find themselves in a regrettable new role: creditor. This wasn’t the professional path they chose, nor is it a path toward a positive patient experience.
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The Most Expensive Medical Procedures, Part 2

High costs have become emblematic of the American healthcare system. From compensating surgeons for long, complex procedures to fees for tests and administrative processes to the cost of simply staying overnight in a hospital, it’s not hard to rack up a heart-stopping bill, especially if a patient requires intensive medical care. As a healthcare provider, you may have seen for yourself how many people will delay or refuse care because of the expense. A fair, reliable health credit service like the Epic River Patient Lending program can give you the opportunity to help your patients stay healthy, both physically and financially.
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The Most Expensive Medical Procedures, Part 1

Healthcare in the U.S. is expensive — we all know that. We put a high premium on the time, effort, and skill of doctors, nurses, and administrators, and time spent in the hospital can quickly lead to a big bill. As a healthcare provider, you have dedicated your career to helping your patients, and with the right programs and partnerships, you can now extend the “do no harm” principle to your patients’ finances as well as their physical health. The Epic River Patient Lending program is made to benefit providers and patients alike with easy, low-interest loans and user-friendly software.
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The Hidden Flaw in No-Interest Patient Payment Plans

No-interest patient payment plans have long been thought of as great solutions for patients who can’t afford immediate payment. On paper at least, these types of plans seem legitimately beneficial, and healthcare providers and medical billing staff across the country truly believe that these plans are helping patients absorb the potentially disastrous financial impact of high-cost treatments. They believe it, or else they wouldn’t be offering them.
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Maximizing Deposit Opportunities

Work With Healthcare Providers and Their Patients Deposit growth is critical for the success of any financial institution. Without it, banks can’t fund the loans that consumers want and need. However, attracting new deposit opportunities isn’t quite as simple as it used to be. Let’s just say that a free toaster doesn’t go as far as it once did. Instead, savvy banks have been scanning the landscape for unexpected deposit sources, and then marketing themselves as the bank of choice via a robust combination of products and services.
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