
Why Patients Choose Medical Loans

Whether patients have health insurance or not, medical care can be expensive. From daunting upfront costs to high deductibles and copayments, many Americans simply don’t have what they need on hand to cover healthcare costs. Medical loans can close the gap, which is why helping patients connect with a fair and competitive lending program has become important to providers who want to make sure the people they care for stay healthy, both physically and financially.
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How Can Our Healthcare Billing Platform Improve Your Practice?

Does your medical office struggle with finding the right balance between providing patients the affordable care they need and maintaining efficient healthcare billing and revenue cycle management? If so, you aren’t alone. The American Hospital Association reports that community hospitals provided more than $38 billion in uncompensated care to patients in 2016, undoubtedly leaving many medical professionals unpaid for their services. Finding a solution to this problem is challenging, but finding and implementing the right healthcare billing platform can help.
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