
Patients, Caregivers, and Administrators Benefit from Epic River’s EMR Integrations

on May 19, 2020 1:07:43 PM By | Norman Woolworth | 0 Comments | healthcare administration
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) integration is a top priority in Epic River’s development plan because it creates a better experience for patients, caregivers, and administrators. These deep integrations allow organizations to pull and push information to and from the EMR, avoiding inefficient duplicate data entry and maintaining data integrity. We now fully integrate with Epic and AthenaHealth, with aggressive plans for more integrations in the future.
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Health Insurance Terms to Know

Healthcare providers are increasingly being called upon to help patients navigate complicated insurance terms and service costs, especially those who work in independent practices. The difficulty of handling these aspects of health insurance – or the difficulty of pursuing medical care without it – are among the reasons why many patients avoid paying their bills. To help you and your patients better navigate the labyrinth of insurance terms, today’s blog is dedicated to the explanation of a few common health insurance terms.
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The Two Major Reasons Your Hospital Needs Healthcare Lending Services

As a healthcare professional, you’ve made a commitment to do no harm. The expectations that come with that promise are clear when it comes to helping a patient’s physical well-being, but what about their financial well-being? Paying medical bills is a challenge for many patients, and collecting on those payments is a challenge for many hospitals and healthcare centers as well. With the Epic River Patient Lending solution, you can ease the process for everyone. Read on to learn the two biggest reasons why your hospital should choose the Epic River Patient Lending solution and contact our team today to get started!
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3 Reasons Why Healthcare Practices Love Patient Lending

Like any industry in America, the healthcare industry faces many challenges. Recruiting and retaining qualified physicians, driving revenue growth, and encouraging employee engagement are among the most compelling overall. But, for many healthcare finance administrators, revenue cycle challenges are equally daunting. One reason for this is the constant struggle to collect payments from patients, which makes it difficult to maintain a low ‘Days in Accounts Receivables’ (DAR) rate. If this struggle sounds familiar to you, then Epic River is here to help.
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