
4 Reasons Patients Don’t Pay Their Medical Bills

As hospitals and healthcare providers across the country know well, getting patients to pay their medical bills can be a challenge. As we discussed in a recent blog, studies show that healthcare facilities lose hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid services, and many doctors cite this difficulty for the reason they gave up owning an independent practice. Epic River wants to help your facility find a solution.
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Three Reasons Patients Love Our Patient Billing Solutions

It’s no secret: Americans are drowning under heaps of medical debt. In fact, a recent study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than 25% of patients struggle to pay for the medical treatment they have received, and that medical debt is the number one cause of personal bankruptcy filings in America. These figures are staggering, and as a health care provider, you probably wish there was something you could do to lessen the financial struggle for your patients. Thankfully, there is! At Epic River, we can provide you with patient billing solutions that not only benefit your practice, but also your patients.
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Who Benefits from Medical Billing Solutions Like Patient Lending?

Does your physician’s office struggle to maintain low days in accounts receivable (DAR)? If so, then you have probably made a variety of administrative and procedural changes with the hope of recovering outstanding patient responsibility more efficiently. Some of these changes may have proven more effective than others, but if they are not sustainable, then you’ll likely find yourself back at square one. At Epic River, we understand that profitability is important to your practice, and we are here to help by providing medical billing solutions that work.
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Five Reasons Why Americans Have Medical Debt

Whether it is for a routine preventive health exam or treatment for a medical condition, everyone needs to go to the doctor at some point. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to pay the medical bills associated with their treatment, leaving many Americans drowning in medical debt. In fact, a recent study concluded that nearly 43 million people in our country have unpaid medical debts. There are many reasons why a patient’s medical bills may go unpaid and in today’s post, we’ll review a few of the more common causes of the troubling impact this has on both personal bank accounts and the larger economy.
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