
Let Your Bank or Credit Union Partner Administer Your Payment Plans

on May 7, 2020 11:37:30 AM By | Jessica Toney | 0 Comments | medical billing solutions
As hospital physicians continue fighting the coronavirus on the frontlines each day, doctors running private practices are seeing a drastic decline in patients. Whether it’s fear of contracting the virus or stay-at-home recommendations keeping patients away, the financial impact of this decreased volume is threatening the viability of many healthcare facilities. With no way to predict how long it will take before well visits and elective procedures start up again, cutting costs may help insulate against economic uncertainty.
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Is Administrative Spending Leaving You in the Red?

It’s no secret that U.S. healthcare is tremendously expensive from every angle — and for every participant. But the reasons behind these expense may be more complex than initially thought.
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4 Reasons Patients Don’t Pay Their Medical Bills

As hospitals and healthcare providers across the country know well, getting patients to pay their medical bills can be a challenge. As we discussed in a recent blog, studies show that healthcare facilities lose hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid services, and many doctors cite this difficulty for the reason they gave up owning an independent practice. Epic River wants to help your facility find a solution.
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Banking Industry Trends 2019

Growth and Profit at Community Banks and Credit Unions At the end of every year, pundits like to publish think pieces on banking industry trends. 2019 is no different, so we thought we’d add our hat to the ring with our predictions for what will most impact growth and profit at community banks. Please read on for our five top picks for banking industry trends!
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Health Insurance Terms to Know

Healthcare providers are increasingly being called upon to help patients navigate complicated insurance terms and service costs, especially those who work in independent practices. The difficulty of handling these aspects of health insurance – or the difficulty of pursuing medical care without it – are among the reasons why many patients avoid paying their bills. To help you and your patients better navigate the labyrinth of insurance terms, today’s blog is dedicated to the explanation of a few common health insurance terms.
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Healthcare Billing Solutions to Help Patients

Have you ever put off getting medical care that you knew you needed? Even those who work in the healthcare industry avoid getting the treatment they need for one reason or another, whether it's due to financial concerns, a busy schedule, or simply a fear of treatment. At Epic River, we believe that finances should never be a hindrance to obtaining necessary medical care, so we set out to break down the financial barriers that patients often face. Our healthcare billing solutions benefit patients and physicians alike, making it easier for individuals to get the care they need to enjoy optimal health.
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Who Benefits from Medical Billing Solutions Like Patient Lending?

Does your physician’s office struggle to maintain low days in accounts receivable (DAR)? If so, then you have probably made a variety of administrative and procedural changes with the hope of recovering outstanding patient responsibility more efficiently. Some of these changes may have proven more effective than others, but if they are not sustainable, then you’ll likely find yourself back at square one. At Epic River, we understand that profitability is important to your practice, and we are here to help by providing medical billing solutions that work.
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