Half of all debt on consumer credit reports is due to medical debt. Medical debt, more often than not, comes from an unexpected event or illness. Let's walk through an extreme, but not unlikely, example. One day a person has a decent job, health insurance, and a savings account. They make all their credit payments on time and have a decent credit rating. The next day, this person is in a severe car accident. The person is transported to the emergency room via ambulance. The person's condition is evaluated and determined that surgery is necessary. Surgery goes well, but the person has a long path to recovery. They stay in the hospital for a while and then the doctor determines they are well enough to continue recovery from home. All necessary medical equipment is sent to their home. After a period of time, the person is well enough to start physical therapy. Physical therapy sessions are more frequent in the beginning, but the doctor recommends they continue the therapy for several months.
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