
Embracing the Digital Lending Revolution: A CEO's Perspective

on Jan 31, 2024 4:54:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
In a recent article for Bank Business, Jeff Grobaski, CEO of Epic River, highlights the transformative potential of end-to-end digital lending platforms for both borrowers and lenders. Key Takeaways: Enhanced Borrower Experience: Digital platforms simplify and expedite the loan application process, providing borrowers with greater convenience and transparency. Increased Efficiency and Revenue: For lenders, digital lending streamlines operations, leading to reduced costs, faster processing times, and ultimately, increased revenue. Improved Risk Management: Digital tools enable lenders to more effectively analyze borrower data, improving risk assessment and decision-making. Cost Savings and Agility: By eliminating manual processes and paperwork, digital platforms reduce operational costs and create a more agile lending environment. Grobaski emphasizes that embracing digital lending is no longer a luxury but a necessity for financial institutions to remain competitive and meet the evolving needs of borrowers. The digital transformation of lending promises to benefit all parties involved, fostering a more efficient, customer-centric, and profitable lending landscape.
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Finopotamus' 2024 Wish List Featuring Epic River's Jeff Grobaski

on Dec 25, 2023 2:11:00 PM By | Melanie Kim | 0 Comments | Blog Credit Unions
In this first installment of Finopotamus' annual "Holiday Tech Wish List" series, fintech and credit union executives share their technology aspirations for 2024. Philip Paul, CEO of Cotribute, highlights the need for streamlined account opening processes for credit unions, emphasizing the importance of automation and a seamless user experience to attract and retain members in the face of competition from consumer fintechs. Other executives, including Epic River's CEO, Jeff Grobaski, also share their wishes, ranging from integrating advanced technologies to enhance operational efficiency to adopting solutions that prioritize profitability and member satisfaction. The series promises to offer valuable insights into the evolving technology landscape for financial institutions and the innovative solutions they seek to implement in the coming year.
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An Interview with FinTechBuzz: Epic River's Journey in Healthcare

on Nov 23, 2023 4:49:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
In a recent interview with FinTecBuzz, Jeff Grobaski, founder and CEO of Epic River, delves into the company's evolution from a digital lending platform to a healthcare-focused payment solutions provider. Inspired by a client's need to streamline loan processes for healthcare providers, Epic River recognized a gap in the market and developed a purpose-built module to address the unique challenges of patient lending. With the passing of the Affordable Care Act, the demand for efficient and user-friendly payment solutions in the healthcare sector surged. Epic River seized this opportunity and expanded its platform to connect banks and credit unions with healthcare providers, simplifying patient payments and improving the overall financial experience for all parties involved. Grobaski's insights highlight the importance of adaptability and innovation in the fintech industry. By identifying emerging trends and responding to the specific needs of clients, Epic River has successfully carved a niche for itself in the healthcare payment space. The company's ongoing commitment to streamlining financial processes and enhancing the patient experience solidifies its position as a key player in the evolving landscape of healthcare finance.
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Podcast: CU 2.0 Episode 276

The U.S. is facing a medical debt crisis, with 41% of adults owing money for healthcare. Many feel hopeless about ever paying it off. However, a Colorado-based company, Epic River, has an innovative solution. Epic River partners with credit unions to take on unpaid medical bills from hospitals. Surprisingly, the credit union takes on zero risk, even without checking borrowers' credit scores. If a debt seems unlikely to be repaid, it's returned to the hospital. This model seems too good to be true, but it works. The credit union's default rate is only 7%, meaning 93% of debtors are making payments. This success is partly because many debtors have good credit scores and want to avoid damaging their financial standing. This unique approach to medical debt relief offers hope for both healthcare providers and patients. To learn more, listen to the CU 2.0 podcast episode featuring Epic River's CEO and the Chief Lending Officer of Clarity Credit Union. It's a financial innovation you won't want to miss!
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Finding Deposits in Unexpected Places

on Oct 23, 2023 9:03:26 AM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | banking opportunities Medical Lending Lending as a Service
In an era of evaporating deposits, community banks find themselves at a pivotal crossroads. As the dust has settled from a tumultuous first half of this year, financial institutions are looking to learn from others' mistakes. Bank boards have taken action to improve interest rate resiliency and leadership teams have identified areas ripe for efficiency improvement but the area still in dire need of innovation is deposit account identification and capture. This begs the question: Are community banks tapping into the right customer base? Is there an opportunity to solve a market problem that could, in turn, solve one of banking's biggest problems?
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Epic River Takes Home TrueSpace's 2023 Alignment Award

on Oct 17, 2023 4:45:00 PM By | Melanie Kim | 0 Comments |
Lending-as-a-service (LaaS) platform Epic River has been recognized by TrueSpace for its outstanding commitment to financial institutions (FIs) with the 2023 Alignment Award. The award highlights Epic River's dedication to helping FIs expand their lending capabilities and improve the financial wellness of their account holders. Key Points: Recognition for Commitment: Epic River's win underscores its commitment to aligning its services with the needs of financial institutions and their customers. Focus on Financial Wellness: The company's innovative patient financing platform was cited as a key factor in the award decision, demonstrating its commitment to improving financial wellness. Building Strong Partnerships: Epic River's emphasis on fostering strong partnerships with FIs and healthcare providers was also acknowledged, emphasizing the collaborative nature of its approach. Positive Impact on the Industry: This award highlights Epic River's positive influence on the financial services industry, showcasing its innovative solutions and commitment to customer-centricity. Overall: Epic River's win of the 2023 Alignment Award from TrueSpace showcases its commitment to helping financial institutions grow and serve their customers better. The company's focus on innovation, collaboration, and financial wellness sets it apart as a leader in the lending-as-a-service space. This award serves as a testament to Epic River's dedication to driving positive change in the industry.
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An Interview with Finopotmas: Tech People in the Know

on Oct 10, 2023 4:51:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
In a recent interview with Finopotamus, Jeff Grobaski, CEO of Epic River, a FinTech Professional shared insights on how Epic River positively impacts the credit union industry. The interview offers a quick and unique glimpse into Grobaski's journey and the challenges and opportunities facing the FinTech world.
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Podcast: Bankadelic's Third Annual Bank to School Special Ep. 125

on Sep 5, 2023 4:37:00 PM By | Melanie Kim | 0 Comments | Podcast Feature Bankadelic Financial Education
Bankadelic’s “Bank to School” special episodes have ranked among our most popular over the years, and our five guests this time around raise the GPA to new heights. Join Professor Lou as he quizzes them about 2023’s teachable moments, the banking industry’s honor-roll-worthy innovations, their agendas for learning — and the best excuse each one had for not turning in their homework. This podcast is also featured in Talking Biz News - Heath Freeman’s continued newspaper greed, Sacramento Mag shutters, Qwoted 100 superstar: TBN Ticker for Sept. 8
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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Ditch Your Internal Payment Plan for a Better Option

on Jul 31, 2023 10:56:09 AM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | Medical Lending Health Care Loans patient lending Lending as a Service
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Unraveling the Patient Pay Dilemma

In the ever-changing landscape of healthcare economics, there has been a disproportionate increase in hospitals' bad debt. Over the past three years, hospitals are grappling with over 45% surge1 in bad debt stemming from self-pay patients post adjudication (11% in 2018 to over 57% in 2021).
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