
Credit Union Times article featuring Epic River

on May 21, 2024 2:04:35 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | hospital financing Patient Financing healthcare finance Credit Unions
An article in the most recent edition of ALM's Credit Union Times highlights Epic River growing presence in credit unions and the impact these credit unions can provide a "surprisingly simple solution to disrupt the cycle of inescapable debt."
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Epic River and Zero Circle Join Forces to Streamline Green Financing

on Apr 23, 2024 1:14:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
Epic River, a lending-as-a-service platform, and Zero Circle, a green finance marketplace, have partnered to integrate their digital platforms, simplifying access to green financing for businesses.
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Epic River & Finastra LaserPro Integration Streamlines Loan Closing Process

on Mar 26, 2024 10:36:00 AM By | Jessica Toney | 0 Comments | Lending as a Service Credit Unions
Epic River, a leading lending-as-a-service platform provider, has announced its integration with Finastra's LaserPro loan documentation system. This partnership aims to significantly streamline the loan closing process for financial institutions by automating data transfer and document generation.
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2024 Strategic Priorities for Credit Union Leadership

on Mar 15, 2024 2:12:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
In a recent article for The Credit Union Connection, Jeff Grobaski, CEO of Epic River, addresses the strategic priorities that credit union leaders should focus on in 2024. Key Takeaways: Navigating Economic Challenges: Grobaski acknowledges the ongoing economic challenges faced by credit unions, such as rising borrowing costs, maintaining competitive deposit rates, and supply chain disruptions. Prioritizing Digital Transformation: He emphasizes the importance of investing in digital transformation to improve member experience, streamline operations, and remain competitive in the evolving financial landscape. Building Agile Infrastructure: Credit unions need to develop agile infrastructure that allows them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and member needs. Focusing on Community-Centric Approach: Grobaski highlights the importance of maintaining a strong focus on serving the community and providing personalized financial solutions to members. Grobaski suggests that by prioritizing these strategic initiatives, credit unions can successfully navigate the challenges of 2024 and continue to thrive in the years to come. He emphasizes the resilience and adaptability of credit union leadership, which will be essential in overcoming the uncertainties of the future.
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Digital Lending as a Catalyst for Financial Inclusivity

on Mar 11, 2024 4:52:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
In a recent article for Finopotamus, Jeff Grobaski, CEO of Epic River, explores how digital lending can be a powerful tool to promote financial inclusivity. Key Takeaways: Overcoming Unconscious Bias: Grobaski emphasizes that digital lending platforms can help mitigate the impact of unconscious bias in traditional lending practices by relying on objective data for loan decisions. This promotes fairer and more equitable access to credit for all borrowers. Expanding Access to Credit: Digital lending platforms can reach a wider range of borrowers, including those who may be underserved by traditional financial institutions. This increased access can empower individuals and communities, fostering economic growth. Promoting Fair Lending Practices: By standardizing evaluations and removing subjective judgments, digital lending promotes a more transparent and equitable lending process. This helps ensure that credit decisions are based solely on creditworthiness, not on factors like race, gender, or ethnicity. Grobaski highlights the transformative potential of digital lending to create a more inclusive financial system. He acknowledges the importance of addressing potential biases in algorithms and data, but ultimately believes that the benefits of digital lending far outweigh the risks. By leveraging technology and data-driven insights, credit unions and other financial institutions can play a crucial role in promoting financial inclusivity and empowering underserved communities.
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Epic River Bridges Healthcare Financing Gap with New Credit Union Lending Platform

on Mar 4, 2024 2:08:00 PM By | Melanie Kim | 0 Comments | Medical Lending Healthcare Finance Online Lending as a Service
Epic River has introduced a new platform designed to connect credit unions with healthcare providers, opening up new avenues for financing in the healthcare sector. This innovative approach aims to benefit both credit unions and healthcare providers by offering a simplified and streamlined lending process. For healthcare providers, this platform can provide a much-needed source of reliable cash flow through patient loans. This can be particularly beneficial for smaller practices or those facing financial challenges. On the other hand, credit unions can tap into a new source of high-quality loans, potentially expanding their portfolio and increasing interest income opportunities. Epic River's solution focuses on making the lending process more accessible and efficient. By facilitating loans between credit unions and healthcare providers, the platform indirectly supports patients by offering them more manageable payment options for medical bills. This new platform could mark a significant shift in healthcare financing, demonstrating the potential of collaboration between financial institutions and healthcare providers. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, innovative solutions like this could play a crucial role in ensuring financial sustainability and accessibility for all stakeholders.
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Epic River Launches Digital Lending Platform for Credit Unions

on Mar 1, 2024 10:38:00 AM By | Jessica Toney | 0 Comments | Patient Financing Lending as a Service Credit Unions
Epic River, a lending-as-a-service platform provider, has announced the launch of a new digital platform specifically designed for credit unions. This platform aims to facilitate patient financing by connecting credit unions with healthcare providers, thereby expanding credit unions' lending capabilities.
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Podcast: Bankadelic's Valentine's Day Lovefest 2024 Ep. 142

on Feb 16, 2024 2:10:00 PM By | Melanie Kim | 0 Comments | Podcast Feature Bankadelic Financial Education
In this special Valentine's Day episode of the Bankadelic podcast, host Lou Carlozo continues his conversation with banking leaders and innovators about their passion for the industry. Guests share their "love stories" with banking, discussing what drew them to the field and what keeps them motivated. The episode features a diverse range of perspectives, from seasoned executives to rising stars. Each guest shares unique insights into their experiences and the challenges and opportunities they see in the industry's future. Key themes explored in the podcast include: The importance of purpose: Many guests emphasize the importance of finding meaning and purpose in their work, whether it's helping customers achieve their financial goals or driving innovation in the industry. The power of collaboration: Collaboration is highlighted as a key factor in the success of any banking organization. Guests discuss the importance of building strong relationships with colleagues, customers, and partners. The need for continuous learning: The banking industry is constantly evolving, and guests stress the importance of staying ahead of the curve by embracing new technologies and ideas. Overall, this episode of Bankadelic offers a heartfelt and inspiring look at the people who are shaping the future of banking. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in the industry or looking for a little Valentine's Day cheer.
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Embracing End-to-End Digital Lending: A Strategic Advantage for Credit Unions in 2024

on Feb 9, 2024 4:53:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments |
In a recent article for Credit Union Business, Jeff Grobaski, CEO of Epic River, highlights the numerous benefits of adopting end-to-end digital lending platforms for credit unions. Key Takeaways: Enhanced Borrower Experience: Streamlined application processes, faster decisions, and real-time updates elevate borrower satisfaction. Improved Operational Efficiency: Digital tools automate manual tasks, freeing up resources for value-added activities and enhancing the bottom line. Increased Revenue Growth: Efficient processes and a seamless digital experience attract more borrowers, leading to increased loan volume and revenue. Stronger Competitive Advantage: Digital lending capabilities are essential for credit unions to remain competitive in today's market. Enhanced Risk Management: Digital platforms provide better data analysis and automated credit decisioning, reducing risk and improving loan portfolio quality. Grobaski emphasizes that as interest rates are predicted to drop in 2024, credit unions must proactively prepare for increased loan volume. Embracing digital lending is not just a trend; it's a strategic necessity for growth, efficiency, and member satisfaction.
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Community Banks Leverage Local Business Relationships to Fuel Growth

on Feb 1, 2024 4:31:00 PM By | Jeff Grobaski | 0 Comments | banking opportunities Patient Financing Blog
In a recent article for Bank Director, Jeff Grobaski, CEO of Epic River, a lending-as-a-service platform, emphasizes the unique advantage community banks have in fostering local business relationships to drive growth. Key Takeaways: Community Focus: Unlike national banks, community banks have a deeper understanding of their local markets and can build stronger connections with businesses in their communities. Identifying High-Potential Businesses: Grobaski suggests focusing on businesses with top talent, strong community leadership, and those in growth industries, such as healthcare, green energy, and technology. Building Trust: Community banks can leverage personal relationships and referrals to build trust with potential business clients, offering a more personalized experience than larger institutions. Meeting Needs: By understanding the specific needs of local businesses, community banks can tailor financial solutions that cater to their growth and resilience. Grobaski highlights that the pandemic-induced economic stimulus presents a unique opportunity for community banks to capitalize on their local presence and foster relationships with high-performing businesses, ultimately leading to increased deposits, loan demand, and overall growth.
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