
Healthcare Billing Solutions to Help Patients

Have you ever put off getting medical care that you knew you needed? Even those who work in the healthcare industry avoid getting the treatment they need for one reason or another, whether it's due to financial concerns, a busy schedule, or simply a fear of treatment. At Epic River, we believe that finances should never be a hindrance to obtaining necessary medical care, so we set out to break down the financial barriers that patients often face. Our healthcare billing solutions benefit patients and physicians alike, making it easier for individuals to get the care they need to enjoy optimal health.
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3 Reasons Why Healthcare Practices Love Patient Lending

Like any industry in America, the healthcare industry faces many challenges. Recruiting and retaining qualified physicians, driving revenue growth, and encouraging employee engagement are among the most compelling overall. But, for many healthcare finance administrators, revenue cycle challenges are equally daunting. One reason for this is the constant struggle to collect payments from patients, which makes it difficult to maintain a low ‘Days in Accounts Receivables’ (DAR) rate. If this struggle sounds familiar to you, then Epic River is here to help.
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Five Reasons Why Americans Have Medical Debt

Whether it is for a routine preventive health exam or treatment for a medical condition, everyone needs to go to the doctor at some point. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to pay the medical bills associated with their treatment, leaving many Americans drowning in medical debt. In fact, a recent study concluded that nearly 43 million people in our country have unpaid medical debts. There are many reasons why a patient’s medical bills may go unpaid and in today’s post, we’ll review a few of the more common causes of the troubling impact this has on both personal bank accounts and the larger economy.
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