
Electronic Signature Software Goes Mobile

Written by Jessica Toney | Sep 16, 2013 7:12:27 PM

Epic River is pleased to announce the release of ProSign® Mobile, an add-on tablet signing option to the ProSign application. Developed by Epic River in coordination with Harland Financial Solutions, ProSign provides a means for electronically signing documents required for opening or modifying deposit and loan accounts. Previously, only USB or Serial attached signature pad devices were used to capture digital signatures. Signatures can now be captured by a wide variety of wirelessly connected mobile tablet devices, such as iPads, Windows Surfaces or Android Tablets.

ProSign takes your financial institution one step closer to paperless.

As more financial institutions turn to tablet devices for their front office staff, ProSign Mobile puts Harland Financial Solutions in a perfect position to capitalize on the trend.  According to Paul Musser, Senior Product Manager for Lending and Compliance Solutions at Harland, "The ProSign application was innovative when it first launched in the banking market and ProSign Mobile serves to keep ProSign out on the forefront of banking technology."

Designed to work with LaserPro® and Deposit Pro®, the electronic signature software records consent process actions, places digital signatures on the documents, and exports the documents to an electronic document management system (EDMS) for long-term archiving. The streamlined, paperless process eliminates the need to scan documents after they are signed, resulting in immediate overhead cost savings by eliminating the need to manually scan signed documents into your imaging system and thus eliminating errors. For more information, you can read more about it on our website or at the Harland Financial Solutions website.